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ASAC Code of Ethics

As members of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC), we subscribe and adhere to a Code of Ethics that was established as one of the first acts of the organization. This Code of Ethics has ten points that outline the conduct expected of members. At the ASAC Annual Conference in Nashville, TN on November 9, we will have a one-hour class discussing each item, and what it means to members. It is a requirement of Certified Agricultural Consultants (CACs) of ASAC to attend the ethics class on a regular basis as presented at each annual meeting.
As a preview to the presentation, I will highlight a couple points:

“A member will accept only those engagements he/she is qualified to undertake…”. No person can be an expert in every field of agriculture, and therefore, should not represent themselves as such. However, a consultant may be able to call on other consultants for help (with the full knowledge of the client), in answering questions as part of the consulting project.
“A member recognizes that the Society’s Code of Ethics signifies a voluntary assumption of the obligation of self-discipline…”. Ethics is very personal and can mean different things to different people or in other parts of the world. It is the responsibility of each ASAC member to not only do things right, but also to do the right things for the client.

For a complete list of ASACs Code of Ethics, visit And, for a complete explanation and discussion, attend the ASAC Annual Meeting in Nashville.

Ken Hilton
ASAC Member and Ethics Committee Chairman
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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034