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10 Traits of Successful Small Business Owners

As we work with the owners, family members and employees of our small business clients, we often find patterns of behaviors and attitudes that are consistent with the ones who are the most successful.
Though there are many traits that could be listed in a “Top Ten List,” the following (in no particular order of importance) tend to be the ones that myself and other consultants and coaches find most often.

1. Persistence: The ability to get up every morning and regardless of the situation, be thoroughly and intrinsically motivated to tackle each day likes it’s a new opportunity.
2. Collaborative: Individuals who demonstrate this ability realize they aren’t always the smartest person in the room. They actively seek other opinions and never see themselves as having all the answers.
3. Humble: Humility has become one of the most desired traits in leaders by their followers. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. The opposite of humility is pride. Those who have had to endure working under a prideful, arrogant and self-centered leader have great appreciation for humility.
4. Confident: Having a high level of self-confidence provides humble, comforting assurance to those on our team. Business owners who lack confidence find that their team is uncertain, inconsistent and lacking in focus. This causes their team to make poor decisions, lack satisfaction, and eventually seek someone else that is willing to lead.
5. Integrity: This trait goes beyond doing what they say they will do regardless of the circumstances, distractions and frustrations, but also includes the things that they privately tell themselves they should do. Their integrity is so consistent and apparent that their team knows how they will respond to any situation.
6. Sincerity: This trait is evidenced through an ability to actively listen to any person in a manner that is caring and genuine. There is no façade of seeming to care, then taking actions that reveal the opposite. Sincerity is not shown through words but by their attitudes and actions.
7. Passionate: Passion is a gut-level trait that continually pulls them forward in difficult situations, knowing the risks and challenges yet forging forward toward their vision. This passion will attract others who want to be a part of something spectacular and rewarding.
8. Visionary: Their vision provides long-term direction, a sense of purpose and the “why” for what they desire to do. Without a clearly defined, communicated, and executed vision, they know that their team will be directionless, disengaged and lacking in loyalty.
9. Goal-oriented: Written and regularly reinforced goals provide them and their people with the focus they need to stay on track. Developing goals requires thoughtful research and planning, while establishing clear expectations that are achievable yet challenging. They know that achieving goals creates a sense of accomplishment and a desire to do even better in the future.
10. Accountable: They realize that if they want others to be accountable, they must start with themselves. These business owners will be deliberate in following through on their responsibilities, and never blame someone else. They not only own the business, they own all the results of their decisions and actions.
Many other traits could be included in this list. What additional traits do you consistently see in your most successful clients?
Don Tyler
Tyler & Associates
These opinions and commentary are Don Tyler’s own. They are not necessarily those of ASAC or its members.
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