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Large Commercial Producer Survey Available

Aissa Good, Managing Director for Purdue’s Center for Food and Agricultural Business recently shared the release of their annual survey of large commercial producers. This report is beneficial as it details key insights from their research and sheds light on the agricultural supply chain to aid agribusinesses in better serving their customers.
This 20+ page report summarizes responses concerning Growth Expectations and Business Strategy, Producer’s Buying Behaviors and Preferences, Producer Online Purchasing Preferences, Salespeople and Information Preferences and Producer Technology Adoption and Data Use. Each category is broken into smaller segments that reveal the background on specific types of responses. For instance, under the topic of Producer Buying Behaviors and Preferences, the report details a buyer’s preferences when deciding between a product’s cost and performance, the attributes preferred in dealers and retailers, and whether buyers are more loyal to the dealer or the brand. Other sections provide details on how large farmers use data, who they share their data with and why they collect data.

All the information is provided through concise tables and graphics.

This report would be very useful for retailers, service providers, consultants and financial advisors who want to gain a better understanding of their customers and potential customers.

The survey can be downloaded here:

Purdue is also offering their annual “Precision Selling: Building Relationships with Large Farmers” program July 27-28 in West Lafayette, IN. You can review the agenda and additional details here: 

Don Tyler
ASAC Member
Tyler & Associates
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