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Opinion: We Must Do Something Different

Regardless of a person’s opinions on global climate change, the extent of its impact and whether or not it is caused by human activity, we can all agree that anything we can do to improve the quality of life for people around the world is a worthwhile endeavor. There are certainly different strategies available and each of us can analyze the best use of our talents and resources to have a positive effect on human wellbeing.
During the Alltech One Conference earlier this week, CEO Dr. Mark Lyons and other speakers provided their thoughts on how we can take different approaches toward these efforts. His emphasis was on “Reducing is not enough. We must do something different.”

Heather White, author, founder and CEO of “OneGreenThing” offered three steps to make climate action a joyful daily practice:

1. Think beyond your age and listen.
2. Find your unique role.
3. Apply the daily practice of sustainability.

Other speakers offered their personal thoughts on this topic, stressing the important role that agriculture can play in future strategies to provide adequate nutrition to everyone in the world.

A summary of their comments can be found at:

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This article is the personal opinion and perspective of the author and those quoted by him. These opinions may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members.  ASAC as an organization does not advocate positions on issues.

Posted by
Don Tyler
Tyler & Associates
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