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Do You Need to be Liked?

In this LinkedIn post by David Dam, he shares the results of his research that reveals correlations between sales success and whether or not the salesperson needs to be liked. Nearly all salespeople say that their strategy is focused on developing relationships, but if that is the case, why do some of their customers challenge them on price and face delays in getting orders?
David posts a chart in the article that compares the weakest sales percentile to the highest, and discovers that the highest percentile salespeople are the ones least concerned with being liked. The chart provides additional insights into the salesperson’s belief that an ability to make friends is their greatest asset, whether they self-identify as extroverts and other factors.

As a consultant, do you believe that the process you use to garner new clients is based on developing relationships? Do you need to be liked in that process? His results are interesting for us to consider as a way to gain self-awareness and how we can improve our results in selling our services, as well as getting our clients to take our advice.

You can view the full post here:

This article is the personal opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members.  ASAC as an organization does not advocate positions on issues.

Posted by
Don Tyler
Tyler & Associates
ASAC Member
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