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Becoming Your Client’s Trusted Advisor

Every agricultural consultant has the objective of being one of their client’s trusted advisors. Until that status is reached with the client, the consultant is just another vendor working from one need to the next, one communication at a time, without being able to develop a relationship that allows them to have all the information they need to provide excellent advice.
The value of using all the information available for a farmer to make wise crop and business decisions has never been greater. Low crop prices and high input costs will challenge even the most seasoned farmers to generate some type of profit regardless of the crop they plant. They need all the help they can get.

In a recent online article during Farm Journal’s Smart Farming Week, Matthew Grassi shared insights from several technology advisors that service a variety of companies and clients. The main theme of his article, “How Technology can Unite Farmers and Their Trusted Advisors,” is that there are a wide variety of advisors available for farmers to tap into the data from their operations and utilize it to fine tune their operation for maximum production at the lowest cost. To read the full post, visit 

With all the new technologies available, and the challenge of determining what information is the most viable and useful for an operation, farmers need to avoid the tendency to simply do things the way they have always done them. That’s a recipe for missing opportunities that can make the difference between profit and loss in a tough financial year.

As agricultural consultants from a variety of disciplines, ASAC members need to consider how the advice they are providing helps ensure that all their clients are maximizing their potential, are avoiding the tendency to do things like they always have, and are tapping into the vast range of new diagnostic tools and strategies.

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This article is the opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members. Endorsement of specific items mentioned in the article is not an endorsement of the individual, the company or the organization from which it originates. ASAC as an organization does not advocate opinions or positions on issues.
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Don Tyler
ASAC Board Member
Tyler & Associates
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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
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Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034