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Stepping Up Our Game

This week I attended a two-day “Train-the-Trainer Consulting Workshop” conducted by Dick Wittman, joined by his daughter, Cori Wittman Stitt, and Lance Woodbury, of K-Coe Isom.  To say the least, I left the program realizing how far behind I am in my consulting practice progress.  I have no doubt about my capabilities; I know what my challenges are; now I must get busy.
To be fair, as a fledging consultant hanging out my shingle as a solo practitioner after many years taking a secure paycheck twice a month, I don’t have the experiences of several decades of facilitating and shepherding families through dynamic discussions of management challenges of all sorts. I have much to learn about adapting my work habits to the hard and tedious work of helping families understand, agree and implement the things that must be done to survive, thrive and prosper through succeeding generations.  It’s an every-day effort.  One thing at a time.
Somewhere along the way, we need to be applying the information and practices we seek to impart to our clients to our own consulting practices, whether the production operations or the business administration function.
Putting information to use can be the hardest thing.  Inertia, paralysis by analysis, concerned about doing the wrong thing or making a wrong decision, opposition from others, be they internal or external stakeholders.  You name it, I admit to it.
Bottom Line:  To make real, determined progress in whatever I’m doing, I’ll have to take information I have, make actionable plans of work, and get to work.  Don’t look back, keep my hands on the plow and .... MOVE .... FORWARD.
This article is the personal opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members.  ASAC as an organization does not advocate positions on issues.
Pete Weisenberger
Weisenberger Agricultural Services, LLC
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