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Slip Slidin’ Away

See that mountain over there?  One of these days, I’m gonna climb that mountain......
(From the Alabama musical hit “Mountain Music”)

Ability.....What you’re capable of doing
Motivation.....determines what you do
Attitude.....determines how well you do it
Lou Holtz, legendary football coach

I’ve had the opportunity over the past several years to attend meetings and conferences that provide opportunities for networking with producers, lenders and credit analysts, financial professionals, commodity marketers, production/technical professionals, academics, journalists, and others who have vested interests in the success of farm businesses.

Everyone I’ve met has the potential to make positive impacts on anyone they meet and with whom they interact, whether on a personal level or on a business level.

They are capable individuals who can achieve their goals and objectives.  All have something to add to the mixture of success in the melting pot of agriculture.

What’s evident to me, and I think it’s always been an age-old obvious issue, is that no matter the level of education, ingenuity, ambition, initiative, inherited wealth or opportunity, or even plain old luck, things go awry.  Bull markets need a lot of positive news and energy to keep going up.  Bear markets need nothing to have the bottom drop from the markets.

I’m reminded of that Paul Simon song from years ago, Slip Slidin’ Away.  “The nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away”.

Bad things happen to good people.  Conversely, good things happen to bad people.  

Certainly, nothing is easy, except perhaps that we can so easily become overwhelmed with the daily grind and the expectations of getting everything done that needs doing right now...or yesterday.

Complacency can set in as easily from despondency as much as it can from being successful and thinking we’ve made it and are satisfied that nothing will happen to derail the gravy train.

Motivation is the fuel to get the things done that we know must be done, in the order and intensity that is needed.  When we run low on the fuel of motivation, results will start to fall short, the chain of events will stutter and break, and schedules are not met.  Losing motivation will lead to losing momentum, and our attitudes break down, leading to a merry-go-round to nowhere.

Attitude will refill the motivation tank.  How do we do it?  What motivates you?  Financial success?  The admiration and love of someone special who you desire to provide for - Spouse?  Children?  The satisfaction of achieving something of value and worth to the community and leaving a legacy?  Providing an opportunity to someone to get an entry foothold in the industry?  

With an attitude of can-do and will-do, no matter the obstacles, capabilities shine forth and, instead of slip slidin’ away, high-octane motivation can help you gain traction and power you through the tough times that inevitably are encountered.

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.  

With that, you’ll climb the mountain.

This article is the opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members.  Endorsement of specific items mentioned in the article is not an endorsement of the individual, the company or the organization from which it originates.  ASAC as an organization does not advocate opinions or positions on issues.

Pete Weisenberger
Weisenberger Agricultural Services, LLC 

= = = = = = 

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The registration link, hotel link and detailed schedule, including receptions and meal functions, can be found at: 
Posted by:
Don Tyler
Tyler & Associates
ASAC Board Member

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