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Tom Brady—The Art of Leading Teammates

In a recent article by Tom Brady and Nitin Nohria of Harvard Business School, they provide this introductory summary:
“When our society talks about leaders, we focus on formal roles, such as the CEO. This view undervalues the role of informal leaders—team members who influence outcomes by the tone they set, how they conduct themselves, and how they interact with their peers. Their job title doesn’t include the word “manager,” but they play an outsize role in how teams perform.”

With football season just beginning, this article on how Brady motivated himself and others provides us with key lessons that can be used with any client, family, organization or business with whom we work. His key lessons include:
1. Put the team first, even when facing personal adversity.
2. Show appreciation for unsung colleagues.
3. Set the standard and create a culture of 100% effort.
4. Recognize teammates’ individual psychology and the best ways to motivate them.
5. Understand and compliment the style of the formal leader.
6. Recognize and counteract the external forces that can cause selfish behavior.
7. Create opportunities to connect as people outside the office.
Brady also shares key insights on the behaviors and attitudes that can get in the way of good leadership and teambuilding.
For the full article go to: 
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= = = = =
Don Tyler
ASAC Board Member
Tyler & Associates
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