ASAC offers two categories of membership: Consultant (with varying subcategories included) and Associate (with various subcategories).
Consultant Classifications
A member of the consultant classification shall be one who meets the requirements of training and experience set forth, qualifies for one of the types of membership included within the Consultant Classification and who is engaged in providing agricultural consulting services to the public on a fee basis. An agricultural consultant is defined as one who, as an individual, or on behalf of a partnership or corporation, offers professional advice in matters relating to agriculture. A member of the Consultant Classification shall possess a four year degree in an appropriate field or shall have had equivalent experience.
Active Member
A professional agricultural consultant who is engaged in an appropriate field of providing agricultural consulting services. All new consultant members will be accepted as an Active Member.
Annual Dues:
Certified Agricultural Consultant (CAC) Member
An agricultural consultant whose primary business is to provide recommendations, information, or technical data to a client
Who may or may not be paid by a firm which receives more than 10% of its income from the sale of product or products.
A consultant who has been a member of the Society a minimum of two years and meets the requirements of certification as outlined by the Membership Review Committee and as approved by the Board of Directors including: attending society meetings and completing Society courses as approved by the Membership Review Committee
A Certified Member must be re-certified every five years, according to the procedure outlined by the Membership Review Committee and as approved by the Board of Directors.
In order to be re-certified, the following must be achieved prior to the expiration of the five year period: attending Society meetings and completing Society courses as approved by the Membership Review Committee.
Annual Dues:
Honorary Member
An individual that has been designated by a majority vote of the ASAC Board of Directors in recognition of long and distinguished service to ASAC. Honorary members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Consulting Classification except that they shall not hold office.
Annual Dues: $0
Retired Member
Any person who, having been a member of the Society in good standing for at least ten (10) years in the Consultant Classification, being no longer engaged in consulting for a fee, but wishing to remain associated with the Society, has applied to the Board and been granted Retired membership status and paid any required fees and dues. Retired members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Consulting Classificaiton execpt that they shall not hold office.
Annual Dues: $ 75
Associate Classifications
A member of the Associate Classification is one who is not an agricultural consultant, as defined above, and meets the requirements under one of the following types of membership.
Sustaining Member
Any business of any nature who wishes to support and promote the Society may apply for admission as a Sustaining Member. Sustaining members shall not have full voting rights.
Annual Dues: $500
Student Member
A college student may apply for and be granted a Student membership status. A college student may retain the Student membership status for a period not exceeding three years, or until eligible for a different membership category.
Annual Dues: $75
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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)