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Why My CAC is a Valuable Asset to My Clients

I find that being a Certified Agricultural Consultant is most valuable in the connections I have made over the years by being a member of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC). There was a time when the international connections of several members generated teams on projects but unfortunately, funding in that area has decreased significantly. The diversity of areas of specialization and geographical distribution is particularly useful to me because all of my work colleagues have similar backgrounds and do not cover the many disciplines involved in crop and livestock specialties provided within the Society.
To me, the greatest value has been the annual updates at the ASAC conference and the ability to contact other members for assistance in locating resources that make my consulting practice more efficient. The networking and ability to call others for assistance or referrals to other specialists is very valuable. The true value is the professional development opportunities, the educational offerings outside of the meeting, such as keeping abreast of webinars offered by others in the agricultural realm, the in-house roundtable discussions and the E-ed Opportunities sent regularly to all members.

In all honesty, I don’t think a single client has ever asked if I am certified or asked any questions about the Society. The value is in remaining up-to-date and conveying cutting edge information and assistance to farmers I have worked with. I also value the review of ethics on a regular basis as many examples of “sticky situations” are discussed with the group. The group provides great support when I need help thinking through the best ways to deal with situations that often present themselves in the workplace.

I urge you to consider attending the ASAC National Conference in Nashville, TN in early November. You can find additional information at: 

Bill Zweigbaum, CAC
Retired Farm Credit East Business Consultant, ASAC member and Past-President
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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034