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The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) plays a crucial leadership role in their advocacy for farmers and everyone in the food supply chain. Ted McKinney is the Association’s CEO.

From their website, “At the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, we enhance American food and agricultural communities through policy, partnerships and public engagement. As a unified voice representing all 50 states and four territories, NASDA is a leader and problem-solver for our nation’s most pressing agricultural issues.”

State departments of agriculture play an essential role in promoting their agricultural producers, products, management and development. From the Indiana State Department of Agriculture’s website, “ISDA was established as a state agency by the Legislature in 2005. ISDA reports to the Lt. Governor, who also serves as Indiana’s Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development. Major responsibilities include advocacy for Indiana agriculture at the local, state and federal level, managing soil conservation programs, promoting economic development and agricultural innovation, serving as a regulatory ombudsman for agricultural businesses, and licensing grain firms throughout the state.”

The ISDA Vision states, “Indiana agriculture will be a global leader in innovation and commercialization for food, fuel and fiber production.”

Since October of 2015, Purdue University and the CME group have produced the Ag Economy Barometer, which is a nationwide measure of the health of the U.S. agricultural economy. On the first Tuesday of each month, the Ag Economy Barometer provides a sense of the agricultural economy’s health with an index value. The index is based on a survey of 400 agricultural producers on economic sentiment each month. Quarterly, the index is accompanied by an in-depth survey of 100 agriculture and agribusiness thought leaders.

Dr. Jim Mintert, Professor Emeritus at Purdue University’s Center for Commercial Agriculture and a principle developer of the Ag Barometer, will be a speaker at the ASAC Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, November 3-4, 2025. Dr. Mintert will share the Barometer’s background as well as one of his first presentations of the new November 2025 Barometer report.

It seems like every professional conference has one speaker that stands out as the one who just tells it like it is, no holds barred, from a position of being in a business for many decades. That speaker for the 2024 ASAC Annual Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida was Curt Covington the Sr. Director Institutional Business from AgAmerica Lending.

Pam Caraway brought her 40-plus year career as an Ag Communications Professional to the 2024 ASAC Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida to help the audience of Ag Consultants become more effective in their media relations.

One of the most interesting changes in agricultural markets is the effect that beef on dairy animals are having on the overall beef market. During the 2024 ASAC Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida, Corey Geiger, Lead Economist, Dairy Knowledge Exchange Division, CoBank, provided keen insights into how changes in dairy cattle breeding programs have altered both the beef and dairy businesses.

During the 2024 ASAC Annual Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida we were greeted by Andy Neuhofer of the Florida Farm Bureau. Florida produces over 300 different commodity crops and some of those crops are raised in every county, with sales of over $270.1 billion in revenue.

During the recent ASAC Annual Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida we had a tour stop at ECHO, whose mission is, “Strengthening the capacity of a diverse global network to defeat hunger and improve lives through sustainable food and agroecosystem strategies.”

This mission is accomplished through international training, seed banking, distribution of trial seed packets, collaboration, and implementation of appropriate technologies.

Andy Cotarelo is the Global Farm Manager at ECHO, managing the on-site plots on the 50+ acre farm just north of Ft. Myers, and providing training to thousands of international trainees who will take what they learn back to their home countries, farms and villages to improve the total productivity and sustainability of their land.

Private, independent Agricultural Consultants often work in small, even one-person businesses.  Their professional interactions tend to be focused on clients and prospective clients.  Essentially, they “Consult in a Silo”.  

Oftentimes they have launched their consulting careers after years of gaining education and experience working as an employee in a larger entity.  As an employee, they may have had opportunities to gain professional development and interact with others working in similar lanes . . . or perhaps totally different lanes. These professional development and interaction opportunities served to fast-track their professional acumen.

Several years ago my good friend Norm Brown suggested that I join the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) and attend their annual conference. I always admired Norm’s professionalism and appreciated the success and impact of his business. Because I am a sole proprietor, one-person Management and Executive Coaching practice it was difficult for me to justify setting aside 3 or 4 days during a busy time of the year that would take me away from my clients. As a matter of ethics, character and core values, those clients always come first in my business.

The broad spectrum of different areas to market agricultural products and services makes it difficult to know the best places for companies to invest advertising dollars. With all the different media channels to advertise through, those dollars become spread very thin with unknown results.

Being a conference sponsor for the 2024 ASAC Annual Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida is an opportunity for a small investment to have a major impact. A targeted audience of seasoned agricultural professionals will be in attendance, all of whom have their unique areas of expertise. ASAC requires all members to adhere to a code of ethics that ensures the reputation of the association, as well as the profession of agricultural consulting, is never embarrassed by unscrupulous activities.

Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem “If” resonates with me more now than in times past, as we continue to navigate the modern economy and culture.

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs.....” is an apt plea to all of us these days.  It is so easy to fall into a trap of melancholy and a “woe-is-me” mentality.  So much seems beyond our control and we have no way to alter our path forward.

This year’s Ag Day is scheduled for March 19th and is organized and conducted by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA). According to ACA’s website, “The primary focus of ACA is to conduct the National Agriculture Day Program which occurs in March of every year.”

The national events are being held in Washington, DC, and the details of these events can be found at A virtual event is also available with information at this link.

During the ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA last November, Bluewhite ( shared their story of developing autonomous vehicles for a variety of agricultural applications. Their products are mostly used in western states where small and very large crop growers have permanent fields of crops. Its robots have covered 50,000 hours of autonomous farming activity across 150,000 acres.

During the ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno in early November one of the most informative and thought-provoking presentations was provided by Ryan Jacobsen, CEO of the Fresno County Farm Bureau. An engaging and passionate speaker, Ryan covered a wide range of topics crucial to the agricultural interests of Fresno County, their challenges with water rights and availability, and the need to keep small family farms producing crops.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) recognized two of its deserving members at the November 6 banquet at the 2023 Annual Conference in Fresno, California.

During the ASAC Annual Convention in Fresno in early November, a great panel of experts provided an update on California water rights as they pertain to the Westlands Water District of Fresno. Don Wright, Mike Ming and Elizabeth Jonasson shared their unique and informative perspectives on the challenges of water management in this area.


The website with additional information and a link for registration has been provided for the tour mentioned in our recent post. Details below. Here’s the original information about this informative and comprehensive tour.
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MACS Academy has finalized a wide-ranging educational tour the day following the ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA. This tour will be held on Wednesday, November 8th, and begin with a stop at Bluewhite for a review of their work with Ag Technology and Financing. From there, tour participants will travel to WWD Solar Projects to discuss the issues of repurposing land and the agricultural impacts.

We can’t wait to see you at ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno in just a few weeks!

Economic forces shaping ag, international consulting opportunities, new legal issues confronting ag, and working through business planning are the topics that have recently been added to the agenda.
The early registration discount ends October 15.
The hotel room block rate ends October 21.

Kicking off the program will be Fresno County Ag Commissioner Melissa Cregan who is scheduled to welcome the group for this 60th anniversary meeting of the Society in the city where it all began.

Several years ago my good friend Norm Brown suggested that I join the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) and attend their annual conference. I always admired Norm’s professionalism and appreciated the success and impact of his business. Because I am a sole-proprietor, one-person Management and Executive Coaching practice it was difficult for me to justify setting aside 3 or 4 days during a busy time of the year that would take me away from my clients. As a matter of ethics, character and core values, those clients always come first in my business.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to take in excellent presentations during the ASAC Annual Conference and participate in an exceptional, informative Ag Tour.

From high tech, unmanned spraying systems to state-of-the art environmental recycling to business ‘incubator’ facilities that support water, energy and Ag Tech innovators - all will be part of local touring opportunities for those attending the 2023 ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, Calif., November 5 – 7. On Tuesday, the tour activities will be topped off with some relaxation time sampling the fruit of the vines at Toca Madera Winery.

The early registration deadline for the upcoming ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA is rapidly approaching. Early registration saves attendees $100 and securing your room at the conference hotel soon ensures that you receive the discounted room rate.

The ASAC Annual Conference will be held on November 4-5, 2023, at the Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport, Fresno, CA. Registration for the ASAC Annual Conference and the hotel can be made at: or by following the QR code at the end of this post.

During the ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA, David Magaña will speak on the topic of “Economic Forces Shaping the Future of U.S. Agribusiness”
David’s research agenda and experience include agricultural market integration under the North American Trade Agreement, consumer trends in fresh fruit and vegetable markets, food security, food price dynamics, among other related topics. Magaña also has experience as a professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he taught economics and applied econometrics for seven years. David’s full biography can be found at 

Dick Wittman, Wittman Consulting, has announced the next Family Farm Business Consultant training workshop to be held November 4-5, 2023, in Fresno, CA. “By popular demand from previous collaborations, we are locating this year's training workshop preceding the American Society of Ag Consultants (ASAC) Annual Conference. Participants attending our training program are encouraged to extend their stay to attend the ASAC conference as well,” Dick shared as a part of his recent announcement.

During the upcoming ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA, Alon Ascher will present on the role of consultants in autonomous Technologies. Alon has a unique background as a former Israeli Air Force pilot and now serves as the Chief Business Officer of Bluewhite, whose mission is to build resilient farms by maximizing the grower’s productivity and reducing their operational costs.

Ryan Jacobsen, Fresno Farm Bureau (; Dick Wittman, Wittman Consulting (; and Paige Gilligan, Risk Mitigators ( , are among the speakers slated to make presentations at the 2023 Annual Conference of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) in Fresno, Calif., November 5-7. Jacobson will be the featured presenter at the ASAC Banquet on Monday evening, providing an overview of the state of the ag industry in Fresno County. Monday morning, Wittman will share his “Insights and Take-homes from Four Decades of Consulting,” while Gilligan will offer the organization’s required course on “Ethics in Ag Consulting” Tuesday morning, for those who are acquiring or maintaining their Certified Ag Consultant (CAC) designations.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants will hold its 2023 Annual Conference in Fresno, California, beginning with a reception on Sunday, November 5. Conference sessions will begin on Monday and continue through Tuesday morning. That afternoon, attendees will be touring local agriculture from noon to 6 p.m.
The venue for the conference is the Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport, 5090 E. Clinton Way, directly across from the airport. Room reservations can be made now through the following link:
The general schedule for the conference includes:

The plans for the ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA, November 5-7 continue to be finalized. The conference will be held at the Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport Hotel and a block of rooms with special pricing for the conference has been held for attendees. Reservations can be made at any time. The specific topics and speakers are being confirmed and will be announced very soon.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) 60th Anniversary Conference will be held in Fresno, California from November 5 - 7, 2023. The city was chosen as the venue because it is the site of the first Organizational Meeting that took place in 1963.

Dr. Jim Mintert is a Purdue University Professor and is the Director of the Center for Commercial Agriculture in the Department of Agricultural Economics. On January 11th, Dr. Mintert presented a summary of the December 2022 Ag Economy Barometer in an ASAC webinar.

The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer is a nationwide measure of the health of the U.S. agricultural economy. On the first Tuesday of each month, the Ag Economy Barometer provides a sense of the agricultural economy’s health with an index value. The index is based on a survey of 400 agricultural producers on economic sentiment each month. Quarterly, the index is accompanied by an in-depth survey of 100 agriculture and agribusiness thought leaders.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) provides regular “Shop Talk” webinars on a variety of topics. In late November, Paige Gilligan of Risk Mitigators and Advisors, facilitated a discussion titled, “Stop Using the Magic 8 Ball to Run your Business” providing a strategic and thorough review of 10 tools that consultants can use for their year-end planning.

During the recent ASAC Conference in Oklahoma City, OK, Rusty Rumley provided a comprehensive overview of what the National Ag Law Center does, the resources it provides and how easily anyone can access valuable information for their farm, ranch, business or organization. One interesting fact is that some of the most often-requested information involves fencing laws for different states and the counties within states. Some of these laws have not been updated since the time that their state joined the Union, making it challenging to apply those historical perspectives to today’s needs.

Rusty spent some time talking about the upcoming Farm Bill. A rarely mentioned fact is that if no farm bill is approved by the deadline, then the regulations go back to the 1910 and 1917 Farm Bills, which set prices based on parity. For instance, a bushel of wheat would be priced the same as a pair of coveralls, and the government would buy enough of a crop to push the price to these levels. In short, it would be a disaster!

During the recent ASAC Annual Conference in Oklahoma City, OK, Dr. Harold Black, Professor of Finance, Emeritus at University of Tennessee, provided his thoughts on the current and future status of the US Economy. He opened with a summary of the wide-ranging crises that we face at this unique point in our history. Political divisions, energy prices, the border, crime, the war in Ukraine, Covid, education, inflation, etc. we just some of the current issues we are experiencing.

The ASAC Annual Conference begins Sunday, October 23rd, in Oklahoma City and runs through Tuesday, October 25th. If you are an agricultural consultant that provides any type of service such as financial, crop, livestock, production, human resources, strategy, engineering, horticulture, timber, wildlife or any other of a host of professions, you’ll enjoy getting to know other professionals and hearing the wisdom of great speakers.

Just a few of the speakers include:

A good friend of mine had urged me to join ASAC for several years before I finally took the initiative to join and to attend the annual conference. During the first few hours of the conference, I realized the foolishness of my procrastination.

The 2022 Annual Conference and Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) will be held Sunday, October 23 through Tuesday, October 25 in Oklahoma City at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel.
An engaging lineup of speakers is scheduled to present on a variety of topics pertinent to the challenging environment in which we live and operate our businesses. ASAC members are dedicated to professional growth, guided by our Code of Ethics, in advancing the business skills of consulting professionals across a broad spectrum of subject disciplines in agriculture.  

Have you ever been driving down the road and observed a billboard with the message, “You just drove past….!” trying to get you to be sure to stop by next time you are in the area? If you couldn’t make it to the ASAC Conference in Nashville, TN this week, here’s what you missed:
An update on Agricultural Trade from Dr. Andrew Muhammad of the University of Tennessee who provided key updates on the status of trade with China and other countries, how consolidation in international shipping companies has contributed to supply chain challenges, and the number one ag commodity that is exported (Hint: It’s not corn, soybeans or wheat…)

What is the value of certification/accreditation for Agricultural Consultants?

I have been asked by consulting clients what the “CAC” tagged with my name on correspondence and other business documents stands for / means.  I explain that it is an acronym for Certified Agricultural Consultant.  Follow-up questions normally ensue – “What did it take to earn it”, “What organization is the certifier”, and similar inquires.  A complete account of the CAC and the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) typically leaves a positive impression of the efforts required to obtain the CAC.  But on occasion, clients have pointedly asked, “Why should I care. . . .what does it mean to me as your client?”

I find that being a Certified Agricultural Consultant is most valuable in the connections I have made over the years by being a member of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC). There was a time when the international connections of several members generated teams on projects but unfortunately, funding in that area has decreased significantly. The diversity of areas of specialization and geographical distribution is particularly useful to me because all of my work colleagues have similar backgrounds and do not cover the many disciplines involved in crop and livestock specialties provided within the Society.

I became a member of the ASAC about 6 years ago and I don’t regret it.  I had been in the insurance industry for about 10 years when I made a career change and became a business consultant with Farm Credit East in Maine. 

A business consultant at Farm Credit East (FCE) can be a jack of all trades or have a specific niche.  We can focus on taxes, tax planning or estate planning.  We might work more with dairy producers through a benchmarking program or other profit analyzer program.  Some write grants or focus on producers in the green industry, while others choose a specialty in orchards, fruit and farm stands. We are in the Northeast, and ag can be pretty diverse here!

The 2021 ASAC Annual Conference is less than fifty days away, and we are excited to be holding an “in-person” event in Music City (Nashville, TN). As Chairman of the Meeting Planning Committee, I wanted to thank the following committee members for their hard work in planning the annual conference: Pete Weisenberger; Bill Zweigbaum, CAC; Ethan Robertson; Russell Morgan, CAC; Joanna Lidback, CAC; Keith Dickinson, Gregg McConnell, John Jackson, and Ron Rabou.  It has been my honor to work with these individuals and the conference schedule is second to none this year. 

This blog is a commentary from Pete Weisenberger on wealth management, with an encouraging message for us to attend the ASAC Annual Conference to hear Ron Rabou's personal story of persistence to succeed.
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Whence It Came
Much ink has been expended over centuries writing about and detailing thoughts about wealth, its origins and its dispositions.  Many fortunes, dynasties and empires have come and gone over the issues of wealth.  Management, and more often than not, mismanagement, of wealth accumulation has driven the economies of the world since the beginning of time.  Indeed, biblical writings tell of the rise and fall of empires, not always recorded in just financial terms, though.   Examples abound of the chaos, confusion, deceit and outright theft that has torn families apart and dissipated wealth that, properly channeled and managed, would have provided for multiple family generations, but also would have been directed to humanitarian and philanthropic goals and objectives. 

Several years ago my good friend Norm Brown suggested that I join the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) and attend their annual conference. I always admired Norm’s professionalism and appreciated the success and impact of his business. Because I am a sole-proprietor, one-person Management and Executive Coaching practice it was difficult for me to justify setting aside 3 or 4 days during a busy time of the year that would take me away from my clients. As a matter of ethics, character and core values, those clients always come first in my business.


2020 ASAC Annual Conference
“Becoming a Better Consultant”
November 1-5 At the Computer / Tablet / Smart Phone of your Choice

ASAC IS GOING VIRTUAL!!  Mark your calendar NOW to join your Ag Consulting Peers as ASAC launches its first ever Virtual Annual Conference. 
ASAC has assembled a premier lineup of speakers to enhance your consulting professional development.

© 2025 American Society of Agricultural Consultants

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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034