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At The Conference: Tour Stop at ECHO—Hope Against Hunger

During the recent ASAC Annual Conference in Ft. Myers, Florida we had a tour stop at ECHO, whose mission is, “Strengthening the capacity of a diverse global network to defeat hunger and improve lives through sustainable food and agroecosystem strategies.”

This mission is accomplished through international training, seed banking, distribution of trial seed packets, collaboration, and implementation of appropriate technologies.

Andy Cotarelo is the Global Farm Manager at ECHO, managing the on-site plots on the 50+ acre farm just north of Ft. Myers, and providing training to thousands of international trainees who will take what they learn back to their home countries, farms and villages to improve the total productivity and sustainability of their land.
We toured several of the 5-acre plots that are designed to mimic different types of growing conditions—climates, soils, vegetation, etc.—and the best crops to grow in each. The fascinating demonstration plots produce hundreds of different foods that the trainees can learn from to help defeat hunger and improve lives throughout the world. They have established “Impact Centers” in key areas of greatest need including Southeast Asia, East Africa, West Africa and North America.
In 2023 there were 11,998 trial seed packets distributed, 200+ countries were served every month, and 8,968 people were trained at ECHO events. On average, each trainee then trains over 40 others in what they learned and helps them apply their knowledge to their situation and needs.
Their overall vision and mission are summed up in this statement, “Guided by a passion for honoring God, ECHO has a clear vision for returning dignity to farmers and caring for creation.”
Please check out their website and consider a donation to this very worthy cause that spreads agricultural knowledge around the globe to those who need it most. and

Photo: Andy Cotarelo and the author investigate the high organic matter in this plot’s soils.

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This article is the opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of anyone else. Mention of specific people or items in the article is not an endorsement of the individual, the company or the organization from which it originates.
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Don Tyler
ASAC Board Member
Tyler & Associates

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