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ASAC Annual Convention Review: Fresno Water Rights Panel

During the ASAC Annual Convention in Fresno in early November, a great panel of experts provided an update on California water rights as they pertain to the Westlands Water District of Fresno. Don Wright, Mike Ming and Elizabeth Jonasson shared their unique and informative perspectives on the challenges of water management in this area.
Elizabeth Jonasson is the Public Affairs Representative for this water district, which is the largest in the nation. This district produces $1.95 billion dollars’ worth of food and fiber, and generates $4.7 billion in farm-related economic activities. Management of all sources of water is the main objective of the district so that as many growers, industries, businesses, fish and wildlife and residents have the water they need. Water is managed through a variety of recharge projects, irrigation management, capture of rainfall and runoff and strategic fallowing of land when necessary. 

Michael Ming is with Lee & Associates, a brokerage, appraisal and consulting firm. They track water district trends and values for their customers. Ming shared how water regulations, especially the new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), have significantly reduced land values in the areas covered by that law. Properties affected by this law have lost 73% of their market value since 2014 when the law was enacted.

Don Wright is the principal of and covers a wide range of ag issues throughout California. Wright is a colorful and unabashed speaker and shared examples of the inconsistencies of water rights laws, the negative effects of regulations that are intended to help ensure adequate water, and how growers in the area are taking key initiatives to do their part to keep food on the tables of families throughout America.

These presenters are passionate about agriculture in the Fresno area and are committed to doing all they can to preserve water for all uses.

= = = = =
Don Tyler
ASAC Board Member
Tyler & Associates
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