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ASAC Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City!

The 2022 Annual Conference and Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) will be held Sunday, October 23 through Tuesday, October 25 in Oklahoma City at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel.
An engaging lineup of speakers is scheduled to present on a variety of topics pertinent to the challenging environment in which we live and operate our businesses. ASAC members are dedicated to professional growth, guided by our Code of Ethics, in advancing the business skills of consulting professionals across a broad spectrum of subject disciplines in agriculture.  
From sharpening our communication skills, discussing best practices for our consulting roles while adhering to the Society’s Code of Ethics, understanding the environment of diversity and inclusion issues across all sectors of the economy and society, finance and economics from both a macroeconomic perspective and at the business, boots-on-the-ground level, to technology on the farm, Monday’s sessions will keep you on point to continue to develop your knowledge base.

Monday evening’s banquet will be a great time to socialize amongst peers and friends and to hear from a dynamic young lady, Brittany Krehbiel-Hukill, a fifth-generation farmer from Hydro, Oklahoma, who is among the vanguard of an emerging generation of young leaders in the state, regional and national agriculture. Her story is truly inspirational. You won’t want to miss her presentation.

Tuesday’s sessions will include a presentation from the National Agricultural Law Center at the University of Arkansas, discussing many of the current regulatory issues confronting agriculture, tax law and estate planning, property rights, carbon credits, solar/wind issues, and many other issues that we are dealing with daily.  Noble Research Institute will present a program on their initiative to transition the organization to a more research-focused business in promoting regenerative agriculture concepts.

Following the Society’s annual business meeting and luncheon, we will board a bus to visit the USDA-ARS National Grazing Lands Research Station, located west of Oklahoma City.  We plan to visit one of the large livestock commission yards on the route to the USDA station, time permitting.  These yards market thousands of head of cattle per week and are something to experience.  October runs of cattle are expected to be large.

The American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC) was founded in 1963 to promote and deliver knowledge and advice to agricultural producers independent of product sales.  Since its founding almost 60 years ago, ASAC has become recognized as a knowledge base and a source for unbiased advice and critical thinking.

Oklahoma City has much to offer for visiting and sightseeing.  I wish we had time to see so much more.  Come to Oklahoma City and “Imagine the Possibilities – The Sooner the Better”!

Pete Weisenberger
ASAC Member

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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034