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Important Reminders—ASAC Conference Deadlines Rapidly Approaching:

The early registration deadline for the upcoming ASAC Annual Conference in Fresno, CA is rapidly approaching. Early registration saves attendees $100 and securing your room at the conference hotel soon ensures that you receive the discounted room rate.

The ASAC Annual Conference will be held on November 4-5, 2023, at the Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport, Fresno, CA. Registration for the ASAC Annual Conference and the hotel can be made at: or by following the QR code at the end of this post.

Early registration ends October 15th, so be sure to complete your registration as soon as possible.

A note on hotel options… 
ASAC negotiates contracts with the host hotel to include extra amenities where possible and clauses to protect our attendees should the hotel oversell the rooms or any other issues that arise with reservations. Rooms reserved outside of the ASAC block do not have official contracts with the conference; therefore, we are unable to help if any issues arise. We want to do all we can to serve you during your stay and to be certain your time at the conference is focused on having a great time networking with other ag consultants, the speakers and attending the tours.

From our President, Pete Weisenberger, here are just a few of the great speakers you’ll hear at the conference:
Fresno County Ag Commissioner Melissa Cregan is scheduled to welcome us Monday morning to Fresno for this 60th anniversary meeting of the Society.
Gary Hirsch, an economic development professional from New Jersey, will inform the group of international consulting opportunities. We have some Society members who have worked in Africa and other regions in years past and continue to pursue opportunities overseas. Gary will have some very interesting observations that speak to the geopolitical aspects of international work.

Dick Wittman, Wittman Consulting in Idaho, will regale us with Insights and Take-Homes from Four Decades of Consulting. Dick has experienced a career most of us will not come close to matching. He has been part of a multi-generational family farm of several thousand acres and multiple crops, with many transitions. He’s carried that experience from his own family operation to effectively consulting with families and companies across the globe. It’s very safe to say Dick has forgotten more than I will ever know. 
Alon Ascher, BlueWhite, an entrepreneurial technology firm in Fresno, California, will tell us about autonomous technology, a fancy term for driverless tractors. I wish I had had that 50 years ago on my old Farmall Super M. Go to for a preview of what he will likely be discussing.

Look for more information about speakers in upcoming posts!

Posted by
Don Tyler
Tyler & Associates
ASAC Board Member

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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034