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Time management is a challenging aspect for anyone who wants to be successful and reach their full potential.  One thing is for certain, the best time managers are always looking for ways to enhance their overall efficiency.
Here are a dozen techniques that very successful people have used to be at their full potential:
1. Make a master To-Do list every week, and then on a separate paper or 3 X 5 card make a “Punch List” of the items that must be done today.  You can use a digital list on your phone or computer as well. Whatever allows you to keep it quickly available. Focus only on the Punch List through the day so you are not distracted by all the items on the master list.
2. Do simple tasks immediately—the short phone call, filing a form, filling out a simple reply to an e-mail, etc.

In a recent Progressive Cattle article written by Wesley Tucker, he provided keen insights for cattle producers that are valuable for any self-employed businessperson. He breaks the article into the categories of Prioritize Tasks, the Eisenhower Matrix and Family First.

Have you ever met anyone who said they had perfected their time management strategy and felt they couldn’t become any more efficient? Me neither… It seems that we are always looking for ways to get more done in less time. Julia Martins recently wrote for, providing 18 different tips and suggestions for time management.


Many of us struggle with the most effective way to manage our time. We must divide each day, week, and month between a variety of clients who have their own unique needs. Some projects for them take only a few minutes, while others may take months to thoroughly complete.
In addition to these challenges, we need to be sure that we are maximizing our billable hours. This forces us to minimize the time required for organization, prioritizing tasks and doing our own tracking of activities.

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American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC)

Jean Merry, Executive Director
N78W14573 Appleton Ave #287
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
(262) 502-9034