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A Dozen Time Management Tricks of Successful People

Time management is a challenging aspect for anyone who wants to be successful and reach their full potential.  One thing is for certain, the best time managers are always looking for ways to enhance their overall efficiency.
Here are a dozen techniques that very successful people have used to be at their full potential:
1. Make a master To-Do list every week, and then on a separate paper or 3 X 5 card make a “Punch List” of the items that must be done today.  You can use a digital list on your phone or computer as well. Whatever allows you to keep it quickly available. Focus only on the Punch List through the day so you are not distracted by all the items on the master list.
2. Do simple tasks immediately—the short phone call, filing a form, filling out a simple reply to an e-mail, etc.

3. Keep phone calls short during business hours—especially in the morning. (I have a client that is the manager of a very large feed yard and he ends all calls in 90 seconds. People get used to it and know that’s all the time he has. He’s VERY efficient with his time.)
4. Open the snail mail over the garbage can.
5. If a part of the process is “waiting” to do the next step, refine the process.
6. Be a contrarian—do things when other people aren’t doing them.  Avoid busy times of the day for some activities.  Do business with more efficient companies and individuals.  Take lunch at 11:30 or 1:00.  Avoid left turns in areas where you know there will be heavy traffic.
7. Block out a specific, consistent day and time each week to handle administrative duties and paperwork that will get those tasks done on time.
8. Have a consistent, specific place for items you use regularly so they are easily accessible and always where you need them.
9. Determine what tasks are non-productive and unnecessary and don’t do them.  Occasionally ask yourself, “Why am I doing this particular task?”
10. Do the things you dislike to do as early as you possibly can, then immediately do something you like to do.  This will make the rest of your day a breeze and can significantly improve your attitude.
11. Don’t let others waste your time.  Teach them to do their job and provide them with the tools they need.  Teach them to make decisions on their own.  Don’t develop a tolerance for people that just want to take your time complaining—without seeking a solution.
12. Look for someone more efficient than you and learn from them.

What is the ONE most effective technique that you use to be a good manager of your time?

= = = = =
This article is the personal opinion and perspective of the author and may or may not be consistent with those of other ASAC Members.  ASAC as an organization does not advocate positions on issues.

Don Tyler
ASAC Member
Tyler & Associates

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